Application for Water Connection

This form is to get lines placed for your property to be connected to the Town of Marion Water System.

For a printable version, click here then once you complete it bring to Town Hall, main floor, from 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday.

Mail the tap fee, with your application, if paper version, with your name and a note stating that this money is intended for a water tap fee to Town Hall or place in one of the three drop boxes located at Town Hall; front steps, back door, and back parking lot.

By completing this form, you are applying for connection to the water system of the Town of Marion and for use of water therefrom. By completing this form, you also agree to the following.

  • This connection and use of water shall be subject to all ordinances of the Town of Marion.
  • I will pay for water services as bills are presented
  • I grant the Town of Marion through its officers and employees the right to enter on my premises for the purpose of inspecting all connections, pipes and plumbing fixtures connected with the Town of Marion Water System.
  • I will pay, before connection is made, the cost of such connection as is provided by the ordinance.
  • I will pay the Town of Marion the actual cost of constructing the service line from the water to the main meter.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Paula Null at (276)378-5024 or Sonya Teaters (276)378-5022

Water Tap Fees:

Inside Corporation Limits- $900.00

Oustide Corporation Limits-$1,100.00